24 Ideas About Pictures

24 Ideas About Pictures
Great Blankness Press
Los Angeles, CA
2008 (2019 Edition)
Paperback, 100 pages
Glue Bound, Offset Printed

24 Ideas About Pictures is a 21st century primer made up of 24 visual/verbal propositions about the grammar, meaning and metaphysics of pictures. Utilizing a step-by-step structure in which each lesson builds upon those that precede it, The book considers what makes pictures –in collusion and competition with words– alternatively powerful and unreliable as representations of reality. 24 Ideas About Pictures incorporates an eclectic mix of examples with an emphasis on commonplace images (clip art, postcards, family, snapshots, road signs, puzzles and games) whose stereotypical forms and meanings are so mundane as to recede in the background of daily life. Pictures look like us, flatter our assumptions and fuel the market as products and ideas, but more fundamentally they are a form of currency that allows us to barter and exchange our beliefs, hopes and fears.

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