Space and The Act Taken

Space and the Act Taken
Assembling Press
Brooklyn, NY
20 x 14.5 cm
Glue Bound, Offset Printed
Space and The Act Taken is a visual/verbal essay which considers the notion of presence for the writer and the reader, incoporating discussions of John Cage, magic, perception, touch and collage, and drawing, and more. Who and what comes alive on the page when we look and read? "In the end, I point back to myself. Present by implication and in fact in the words and the images on every page of this essay, I take a stand in my work, advocate for myself, and feel gratitude for the opportunity to express my personal and intellectual desires. This presumes an essential seduction. But in the dark, reliant on and indebted to the reader’s own interests and needs, I know there are no guarantees.
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